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  • Treatment of Knee joint pain in Ayurveda

Do you know that more than 10 million people suffer from knee joint pain in India. No big a surprise when a 35-year-old lady walks in our clinic with knee joint pain. The x-ray shows early cartilage degeneration. There are many such cases at our centre. Is it related to our diet and lifestyle? The more technology is advancing, the more our lives are becoming easy. But with increase in number of disorders, it seems that our life is becoming more difficult. Why does it happen so?

Decades back, it was believed that knee joint pain is prevalent in India, because our lifestyle includes lot of squatting and bending knees. We had Indian toilets whereas western countries’ toilets do not demand bending of the knees. We usually cross our legs and sit during rituals, Puja and all. In western countries, there are benches. Bringing up a child, nursing the child, feeding the child all is done with crossed legs. Earlier women had many children, so they spent lot of time sitting with folded legs. So, the degeneration started and as a result the knee pain would arise.

The surprising part is, our life has become easy. Now the toilets in our homes do not demand us sitting cross legged. We have buffets in events and parties unlike in olden times when we used to sit on floor and eat. Women spent very less time sitting cross legged because they have less children as compared to early times. Still, osteo arthritis or knee joint pain refuses to reduce in India. On the contrary, our grandparents would start complaining of knee pain after 65 years of age. Today we see women complaining at the age of 35 years. Certainly, things have gone wrong. What is it let’s discuss?

How is diet responsible for Knee joint pain?

There are many patients at our clinic who say they take best diet and avoid outside food. Still, they have developed Osteo arthritis. They have been taking vitamin and calcium supplements for years. But they developed osteoarthritis at an early age. No number of vitamins and minerals are going to help, if you do not take care of your diet. Ayurveda has an answer to it.

Ayurveda has vividly described three doshas in the body: Vatta, Pitta, Kapha. In Ayurveda texts, it has also been mentioned how these 3 components get aggravated and get pacified. For example, Vatta in the body increases on having dry foods like millets, popcorn, besan, jowar. It also increases if you don’t get good sleep at night. Over exercising is one of the reasons mentioned in texts for vatta imbalance. All these things we commonly see youth practising.

So, it is not the amount of proteins that will decide your joint health. It is all that you eat. You become what you eat. Get a diet chart from an Ayurvedic doctor at our centre. A diet chart based on your Prakriti and gut health will be discussed in detail.

Ayurvedic treatment for Osteo Arthritis

Ayurveda is just not limited to balms or pain oils. There is a lot more to it. Ayurveda treatments aim to balance the three doshas in the body- Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Vata is responsible for all the pains in the body majorly. Old age further adds to aggravation of Vata in the body. There are many herbs in Ayurveda like Shallaki, Ashwagandha, Guggulu, Dashmool, Rasna, that not only bring down the inflammation of the joints, they also work wonderfully in painful joints. Arthritis and joint pains are the most common problems faced in our country.

As you cannot stop your hair from turning grey with age, you cannot stop your joints from degeneration. With age, arthritis is bound to happen. Because of our diet and lifestyle, early degeneration is happening. So, we get to see early cartilage degeneration in 35–40-year-olds. Ayurveda not only treats the disease but helps prevention of diseases. So, after 35 years of age, you should start taking care of your knee. You should go for Abhyang or body massage that lubricates the body and reduces friction of joints. There are many oils in Ayurveda which are majorly used for joint pains like Nirgundi oil, Bala oil, Lakshadi oil, Dhanvantaram oil, mahanarayan oil, ksheerbala oil. Approach best Panchakarma centre for knee joint pain as the decision has to be done wisely.

Panchkarma treatment for Knee joint pain or Arthritis

Panchkarma in Ayurveda has many procedures. For osteoarthritis, we usually go for Virechan (detoxification), Basti (enema with medicated oil), Janu Basti, Potli massage, Abhyangam, Swedan depending on the severity of the condition. Within two to three sittings, the pain starts reducing significantly if degeneration hasn’t happened much.

Best Panchkarma treatment for knee joint depends on Prakriti of the patient. An ayurvedic doctor near you for joint pain will be able to guide you better. Such treatments also avoid further degeneration of the joints where surgical management is only option. At our centre, we have successfully treated severe arthritis.

So, if you are experiencing knee pain, immediately fix an appointment with the best ayurvedic doctor near you.

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