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  • Fibromyalgia- Managing it with Ayurveda

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition affecting muscles and joints. The patient experiences tiredness and constant dull pain. At times, the pain becomes severe and hampers daily routine. You may have fibromyalgia if you have following symptoms:

Chronic pain over body especially over legs, arms, back and buttocks. The pain is often burning or throbbing in nature

Lack of sleep


Pain on touching the affected areas

Low grade fever or feeling of fever

Muscle stiffness

Difficulty in moving from one position to other

Numbness or tingling over arms and legs

Causes of Fibromyalgia

There are no clear causes mentioned of fibromyalgia. It is seen majorly that fibromyalgia affects the patients who have weak muscles. They have had stress or depression in the recent past. It is more likely to affect women than men. Lack of sleep again contributes to causing muscle aches and body pain.

What happens if Fibromyalgia is not treated?

Many patients of fibromyalgia that we see at Jyoti Ayur Clinic, have been suffering from it since decades. All they have done is taking pain killers and sidelining it. They keep taking multivitamins, calcium supplement but that does not bring down the pain of fibromyalgia. If proper treatment of fibromyalgia is not taken, it can further lead to serious problems like

Restless leg syndrome


Mood problems or mood swings


Over sensitive bones and muscles



What is the number one treatment of fibromyalgia?

If you are looking for best treatment for fibromyalgia, then you should get Panchkarma massage done. There are many Panchkarma therapies that can completely cure Fibromyalgia. Local therapies like Abhyang, Potli massage, Powder massage, Patra Pind Sweda, Shashti Shali Pind sweda are very helpful in releasing the muscle tension.

Fibromyalgia affects your muscles and sometimes you become oversensitive to touch. Even on touching, the muscles start hurting. In such cases, it is important to consultant best ayurvedic doctor near you for fibromyalgia. Few oils can increase the pain and stiffness. The ayurvedic oils for Panchkarma has to be chosen wisely. A lot has to be taken in account depending on Prakriti of the patient and severity of the disease. For example, if the patient has Ama or more of Kapha in the body, Nirgundi oil will work best. Do not self-medicate but, you can consult at our ayurvedic clinic for fibromyalgia.

Healing Fibromyalgia naturally: Ayurvedic treatment for Fibromyalgia

Treatment of Fibromyalgia at Jyoti Ayur Clinic includes Panchkarma therapy, internal medicines, diet and lifestyle modifications. At our Panchkarma centre in Faridabad, we have a complete guide to ayurvedic treatment for fibromyalgia.

Oral medicines like Guggulu, Shallaki, Ashwagandha, Bala, Eranda, Shilajeet work in improving the muscle strength. The combination of these drugs not only eases the pain of fibromyalgia but it also makes the skeletal system strong. After 40 years of age, degenerative changes begin in our body. You should get a proper diet and lifestyle plan from a qualified ayurvedic practitioner. In addition to this, you can also get your Prakriti assessed and accordingly start taking few herbs for rejuvenation of bones and muscles.

Panchkarma therapy in the management of Fibromyalgia

At Jyoti Ayur Clinic- Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic in Faridabad, we know that pain of fibromyalgia can be very bad. The quality of life of patients with Fibromyalgia becomes gets compromised. We have managed patients of fibromyalgia from Delhi-NCR. They had been enduring the pain for more than 25-30 years. Among the several treatments that Jyoti Ayur Clinic specializes in, fibromyalgia treatment with Panchakarma is remarkable. It works on the root cause of the problem.

Panchakarma therapy is highly effective in Fibromyalgia. Snehana and Swedan are very important panchkarma procedures in treatment of fibromyalgia. Snehana with oils like Ashwagandha oil, Dhanwantaram oil, Bala oil, Ksheerbala oil, Lakshadi oil are used. The direction of massage is also very important. So, you should get the panchkarma therapy done at a dedicated centre only. Swedan is done with Nadi swedan yantra. Medicated steam is given over the affected areas. A Potli with Dashmool Kwath, Eranda patra, Rasnadi Kwath is kept in a special cooker and steam is generated. Within minutes, this Swedan helps to release the pain and stiffness of muscles.

Ayurvedic diet for Fibromyalgia

Ayurveda has called food as the medicine. The biggest clinic in your home has to be the kitchen. You must have noticed that decades before, simple cold cough fever were treated at home only. Today, people line up at the hospitals for simple ailments. The dietary patterns have changed and more importantly we don’t believe that food can treat. What not to eat is as important as what to eat. If you have fibromyalgia, follow a simple home-made diet and see how the pain reduces to a great extent.

Eat warm, hot food and avoid reheated foods. Avoid eating cold, chilled foods. Avoid eating food straightaway from the refrigerator.

Take plenty of fluids and stay hydrated. Taking coconut water which is rich in electrolytes can help. Sometimes, lack of fluids causes muscle spasm which may worsen fibromyalgia.

Avoid caffeine, tannin, frozen, packed foods with preservatives

Try adding ginger, cumin, turmeric to your food. This will improve the sluggish metabolism and help in fibromyalgia.

Add walnuts, anjeer, flax seeds to your diet.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle for fibromyalgia

Managing Fibromyalgia with Ayurveda will not only ease your pain but will make your life very easy

Ayurvedic says Nidra is one of the three important pillars in life. So, sleep is very important for release of muscle spasm and stiffness. At Jyoti Ayur Clinic, while dealing with fibromyalgia, we have seen that a lot of patients had the chronic history of insomnia. They have been suffering from disturbed sleep since years. In such cases, along with Abhyang or body massage, we do Shirodhara, the best treatment for Insomnia. The pouring of warm medicated oils takes care of the melatonin hormone secreted by pineal gland in the head. This releases the happy hormones, and it also helps in fibromyalgia. The muscles get deep relaxation during Shirodhara. The pain of fibromyalgia comes down.


Fibromyalgia sounds very disturbing and annoying problem. But regular visits to our Panchkarma centre in Delhi-NCR, you can manage Fibromyalgia and get treated naturally and holistically.

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