• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda

Why should one wake up in Brahmuhurat?

The day you are living will not come back so make the best out of it. If you stay healthy, you will be able to live a happier life. Ayurveda not only focuses on long life but healthy life also. You can create your own day! You should start your day with waking up in… Continue reading Why should one wake up in Brahmuhurat?

How to treat constipation permanently and naturally?

When we are becoming so conscious of our diet, still constipation is becoming a problem of grave concern. Why is it so. How diet and lifestyle changes can cure constipation. How do you know you have constipation. If you have constipation, can you try taking over the counter medicines available. What’s the difference between using… Continue reading How to treat constipation permanently and naturally?

Is white discharge normal in women?

Vaginal discharge is a clear, transparent, off-white liquid that comes from vagina. It consists of cells and bacteria. It keeps vagina lubricated and helps to fight against bad bacteria entering vagina. Discharge is normal from vagina during mid cycle or before your periods. But if it is staining your clothes; it smells bad; it is… Continue reading Is white discharge normal in women?

Why do women experience more backpain?

Back pain can affect anyone regardless of gender and individual factors such as lifestyle, physical fitness and overall health play a significant role in development of back pain. But women are more prone to getting back pain because of many reasons. You wouldn’t have even thought that how many times in a day you do… Continue reading Why do women experience more backpain?

Treatment of Ulcerative colitis with Ayurveda

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease IBD. It causes ulcers and inflammation in the intestine. It is a challenging disease affecting a patient. There is no permanent cure in modern medicine. This disease gets flared up again and again. The patient goes in remission if not treated properly. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis Increased… Continue reading Treatment of Ulcerative colitis with Ayurveda

How to lose weight naturally?

Udwartan- Ayurvedic Powder massage for weight loss We are in the age, when people have realized that Prevention is better than cure. These days, more and more people are getting inclined towards Ayurveda and Panchkarma. There is nothing more important than being healthy. If you too are looking for Panchkarma treatment for yourself, do explore… Continue reading How to lose weight naturally?

Potli Massage- A natural pain killer

A 40-year-old woman came to our Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic in Faridabad with body pains. She has been suffering from it for 20 years. There was pain over calf muscles, both arms, legs, back, neck and headache. She consulted every doctor of the city and around. Initially she was told her vitamin levels are low… Continue reading Potli Massage- A natural pain killer

Fibromyalgia- Managing it with Ayurveda

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition affecting muscles and joints. The patient experiences tiredness and constant dull pain. At times, the pain becomes severe and hampers daily routine. You may have fibromyalgia if you have following symptoms: Chronic pain over body especially over legs, arms, back and buttocks. The pain is often burning or throbbing in… Continue reading Fibromyalgia- Managing it with Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for gas and bloating

Have you ever wondered a simple Indian spice box wrongly used can give rise to acidity. These days in order to make the food tastier, without rational thinking, garam masala, mixed masala, garlic paste is added to every dish cooked. But there is wisdom hidden behind a simple spice box. Just to give a few… Continue reading Ayurvedic treatment for gas and bloating

Is there a permanent treatment for frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is becoming an increasing problem among young and old people. We see at our Ayurvedic Panchkarma centre, many patients presenting with shoulder joint pain and stiffness. Slowly, the pain starts radiating to the back. It hampers day to day activities. The patient keeps taking physiotherapy, pain killers but does not find much relief.… Continue reading Is there a permanent treatment for frozen shoulder?

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