• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda

Treatment of Knee joint pain in Ayurveda

Do you know that more than 10 million people suffer from knee joint pain in India. No big a surprise when a 35-year-old lady walks in our clinic with knee joint pain. The x-ray shows early cartilage degeneration. There are many such cases at our centre. Is it related to our diet and lifestyle? The… Continue reading Treatment of Knee joint pain in Ayurveda

How to treat less menstrual bleeding naturally?

Women keep their health secondary which is why they experience lifestyle diseases. Stress, anxiety add to this and cause menstrual irregularities. Menstrual abnormalities can be either heavy menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, delayed menses or scanty menses. But if you have painful menstruation, you are likely to approach a doctor because that disturbs your quality of… Continue reading How to treat less menstrual bleeding naturally?

Ayurvedic treatment for chronic Sinusitis

What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. Most commonly the sinuses involved are maxillary followed by ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. Many a times, at our Centre we come across reports where all sinuses are involved, this is called pansinusitis. Sinusitis in Ayurveda Ayurveda has mentioned Dushta Pratishyay which… Continue reading Ayurvedic treatment for chronic Sinusitis

How to treat Sciatica with Ayurvedic treatment?

Sciatica is a disorder that causes mild to agonizing pain in one or both legs. The pain can be sudden and excruciating which worsens on prolonged standing. Low back pain is the second most common ailment in India next to common cold. There can be many reasons for low back pain but one of the… Continue reading How to treat Sciatica with Ayurvedic treatment?

How to control high blood pressure naturally?

If you get to know that your blood pressure is high, you will be quick to assume that now the medicines for it will have to be taken for life. But it can be reversed with simple diet and lifestyle modifications. After 50 years of age, if blood pressure rises, it is difficult to reduce… Continue reading How to control high blood pressure naturally?

How to improve Breast milk or Breastfeeding?

Breast feeding is the primary choice of women be rural or urban. Doctors have always emphasized over breastfeeding. The maternity leave policy in India has been strengthened from 12 to 26 weeks which enables working mothers to breastfeed. Still the bigger question is: Why is the market of formulas then flourishing in India? Why are… Continue reading How to improve Breast milk or Breastfeeding?

Ayurvedic treatment for Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis is the condition where an interruption of subchondral blood supply leads to the death of bone cells of weight bearing joints. It is a painful disease which does not show early symptoms. This disease is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed very late. At our ayurvedic clinic, we have seen many patients who kept complaining… Continue reading Ayurvedic treatment for Avascular Necrosis

Best fruits to eat in the morning

Does eating watermelon make you feel gassy, bloated or gives stomach upset? Does eating mangoes cause acne/pimples on your face? At what time of the day, you should eat fruits? Should fruits be eaten after meals? Today different disease like obesity, heart diseases, thyroid, diabetes are increasing every year and fruits contain components that can… Continue reading Best fruits to eat in the morning

Best Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD

Every one in five women suffer from PCOD. It is not that young girls suffer from it; I have seen so many women bearing children at the age of 30-35 also suffer from PCOD. PCOD can cause menstrual irregularities, most of the times women experience delayed periods or skipped periods in PCOD but also the… Continue reading Best Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD

Treating constipation -The Ayurveda way

The most frequent question I encounter in my practice is, “I drink lot of water, I do not eat outside food, I include fiber rich diet in my meals, I walk daily, I exercise regularly, still why do I have constipation?I have been suffering from constipation from 25-30 years and don’t pass stool if I… Continue reading Treating constipation -The Ayurveda way

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