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Udwartan- Ayurvedic Powder massage for weight loss

We are in the age, when people have realized that Prevention is better than cure. These days, more and more people are getting inclined towards Ayurveda and Panchkarma. There is nothing more important than being healthy. If you too are looking for Panchkarma treatment for yourself, do explore ayurvedic powder massage which is called Udwartan. This is a unique massage which is done with ayurvedic herbs in a specific direction of the body.

Udwartan- Ayurvedic Powder massage for weight loss?

We are in the age, when people have realized that Prevention is better than cure. These days, more and more people are getting inclined towards Ayurveda and Panchkarma. There is nothing more important than being healthy. If you too are looking for Panchkarma treatment for yourself, do explore ayurvedic powder massage which is called Udwartan. This is a unique massage which is done with ayurvedic herbs in a specific direction of the body

Dry powder like Triphala, Jau, gram flour, erand are dusted over the whole body. It is allowed to stay for few minutes. Then massage is done in opposite direction of hair. It improves the blood circulation to the body. The fat deposited at cellular level gets mobilized. As a result, the fat deposition reduces. Udwartan is the best treatment for reducing belly weight. There are many patients that we see at our Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic in Faridabad, who do not want to reduce weight. But they want to reduce fat from specific areas like thighs, belly, shoulder. Udwartan goes a long way in achieving fat reduction from specific areas. A vigorous massage is done in clockwise direction after applying powders.

The whole procedure takes 1 hour of time. Course of multiple sessions is recommended for better results.

Benefits of Udwartan – dry powder massage

Udwartan is mentioned in Ayurvedic texts under Dincharya- daily regime. This means it should be followed daily. But because of not understanding its importance, this procedure has been sidelined. Slowly and gradually, people are moving back towards our roots. We have more and more patients at our Panchkarma clinic in Delhi-NCR enquiring about Panchkarma massages. So dry powder massage is a good option for Kapha Prakriti person. It alleviates Kapha dosha.

Dry powder massage also reduces excessive fat deposits in the body.

Dry powder massage not only reduces Kapha in the body but improves the body complexion. One reason why it has been placed in morning regime of Dincharya in Ayurveda.

Dry powder massage is also used to treat some allergy and skin problems.

After Udwartan, patients say that they feel extreme lightness in the body. It is good for heaviness and stiffness if you experience in your body.

Udwartan is done to improve blood circulation in the body. If you are a sports person, or do regular work outs, you should get udwartan done atleast once a week. It increases the stability of the body.

Dry powder massage helps in skin problems like itching due to Kapha aggravation.

Weight loss with Panchkarma therapy

Losing weight has become a challenge because of our sedentary lifestyle. People sweat out in gyms and yoga classes only to get the fat back once they leave it. Work out are important so is the metabolism. If your metabolism is slow or sluggish, no matter how much diet plans you follow, the moment you resume your normal diet, it will show up again. Then what’s the way out. Panchakarma can help in reducing weight, maintaining it and improving your metabolism.

Pancharma therapies like Virechan, Basti are used at Jyoti Ayur Clinic for obese patients. There are patients with thyroid problems, PCOD, hormonal issues who find it very difficult to lose weight. Udwartan like therpaies certainly go to a great extent of fat dissolution. Dry powder massage exfoliates the skin. It stimulates the lymphatic drainage which aids in reduction of cellulite and fat deposits. It also helps in detoxification of the body and improves the overall skin health.

For effective weight loss management, we combine Udwartan with diet and lifestyle changes. Best drugs for weight loss have to be chosen. The technique for Udwartan should be proper and should be done by a trained professional. So, if you are planning for a dry powder massage, get it done at a good ayurvedic and panchakarma center near you.


Panchakarma helps in weight loss and improving body metabolism. It encompasses a number of therapies. It is not necessary that an individual needs all the panchkarma therapies. The best therapy that will suit you and your prakriti has to be chosen wisely. External therapies like Udwartan offer a wide range of benefits. It reduces your physical and mental stress. It helps in improving blood circulation and reducing body fat from specific areas. It also reduces weight in general. If you have tried everything for weight loss, give Udwartan, dry ayurvedic powder massage a try.

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