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Frozen shoulder is becoming an increasing problem among young and old people. We see at our Ayurvedic Panchkarma centre, many patients presenting with shoulder joint pain and stiffness. Slowly, the pain starts radiating to the back. It hampers day to day activities. The patient keeps taking physiotherapy, pain killers but does not find much relief. Here is how Ayurveda can help to treat Frozen shoulder.

Causes of Frozen shoulder

It is not that only old age people present with frozen shoulders. We have seen a lot of young patients too at our Ayurvedic clinic in Faridabad. There can many causes of frozen shoulder like:

Injury- Sometimes, while playing overhead sports like badminton, volley, basketball, injury can result over shoulder. This can cause swelling around the tissues of shoulder and can cause stiffness

Overuse of shoulder joints- People in profession that demands carrying weight on shoulders, lifting heavy objects, drivers commuting for long time can cause frozen shoulder

Post delivery frozen shoulder – We have seen many women presenting at our Panchkarma clinic who have developed frozen shoulder post-delivery. They didn’t take care of the posture while sleeping. They spend long hours sitting while holding the baby with neck down. This slowly started creating restricted movement around shoulder joints.

Diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis- Auto immune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis affect each and every joint of the body. They do not spare shoulder joints too. We have treated Rheumatoid arthritis patients with Panchakarma treatment. The pain and stiffness easily come down.

Cervical spondylosis – Cervical spondylosis is again a very commonly found lifestyle disorder in young people. It can increase the stiffness around shoulder joints and cause frozen shoulder too.

Frozen shoulder in Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic classical texts, there is a disease mentioned as Avbahuka which has symptoms lie of Frozen shoulder. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned it as Vata Vyadhi. Generally, when there is pain in the body, aggravated Vatta is responsible. A cause is mentioned in Ayurveda as Dukha Shayya which in today’s era can be related to improper posture. This creates a great amount of pressure on shoulder joint. There is dryness of Shleshak Kapha in the shoulder joint and hence it creates lot of pain and stiffness.

Ayurvedic treatment of Frozen shoulder

There are many ayurvedic medicines that can not only manage frozen shoulder but completely make the patient pain free. Ayurvedic medicines for frozen shoulder can be given like Shallaki, Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Shigru, Dashmool, Rasna, Erand. These medicines reduce swelling around the tissues and increase the strength of the nerves. Slowly, the range of movement of the shoulder begins to increase. There are Kwath (Kadhas) like Dashmool, Rasna Erand, Rasna saptak which can improve the range of movement.

Panchakarma treatment of frozen shoulder

No treatment like Panchkarma for permanently curing frozen shoulder. There are many Panchkarma therapies that are done to treat Frozen shoulder:

Abhyang ( Oleation) – Massage with herbal oils like Bala Ashwagandha Tail, Dhanwantaram Tail around shoulder girdle improves blood circulation and reduces stiffness. Panchkarma therapies should only be undergone at a good Panchkarma center near you.

Swedana (Sudation) – At our Panchkarma Centre in Faridabad, we use Nadi swedan yantra. Potli of Dashmool Kwath is placed in water and pressurized steam is given at pain affected areas. This is the best treatment for frozen shoulder, best treatment for joint pain and best treatment for cervical pain.

Nasya- It is a simple procedure but should be done at a proper Panchkarma clinic only. Here, choice of oil should be made wisely. Oils lie Bala, Ksheerbala are used for Nasya which stimulates the nerve endings and eases the pain

Shasti shali pind sweda: It is not very widely used Panchakarma treatment. But at our Ayurveda and Panchakarma center, we commonly use it in joint pain, frozen shoulder, muscle stiffness, muscular dystrophy, nerve pain. A pind made up of a Shastika shali (kind of rice), prepared in milk with herbal medicines is rubbed over pain affected areas. It increases the strength of muscles and nerves.

How long treatment is needed for frozen shoulder?

Depending upon severity of the condition, the treatment span is decided. For external therapies you need at least 7 to 21 days. Oral medicines you need 3-4 months and then the medicines are tapered down.

Is there a permanent treatment of frozen shoulder?

Yes, frozen shoulder can be permanently treated with Panchkarma therapies. Nasya, Abhyang, Potli massage, Patra Pind sweda, Shashti shali pind swed can cure frozen shoulder permanently.

If you have tried everything for frozen shoulder, visit our Panchkarma center in Faridabad.

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