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Vaginal discharge is a clear, transparent, off-white liquid that comes from vagina. It consists of cells and bacteria. It keeps vagina lubricated and helps to fight against bad bacteria entering vagina. Discharge is normal from vagina during mid cycle or before your periods. But if it is staining your clothes; it smells bad; it is causing itching like symptoms then, you probably are suffering from leucorrhoea.

White discharge problem is very common amongst women of all ages. Women falling in childbearing age experience more of these symptoms. This is one of the problems that affects women freedom. It is just not the discharge but the body pains, weakness, muscle pain along with it is what affects it more.

Symptoms of Leucorrhoea

Increased amount of vaginal discharge

Change in colour of discharge may be green or yellow

Discharge with bad odour

Itching or burning in vagina and outside

Thick curd like discharge

Feeling of wetness all the time

Pain in or around the vagina

Irritation in the genitals

Lower abdominal pain

General tiredness

Causes of white vaginal discharge according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda has a vivid description of Yoni vyapad i.e gynaecological disorders. In Ayurveda, leucorrhoea is named as Shweta Pradar. Shweta means white and pradar means discharge. White discharge from vagina is called Shweta Pradar. Every woman must have experienced white discharge at some point of time in her life. If the consistency gets thicker and the colour gets abnormal white, it needs treatment. The discharge keeps vagina free from infections, but if it turns abnormal you should approach an Ayurvedic doctor near you. The discharge increases when Kapha in the body increases. According to Ayurveda, it is Rasa dhatu dushti. Rasa dhatu represents all the body fluids in the body. It is corrected with the medicines and Kapha is reduced in the body.

Improper lifestyle and improper dietary habits can cause leucorrhea. Frequent miscarriages and excessive coitus can also give rise to abnormal white vaginal discharge. Multiple partners can cause sexually transmitted diseases and can give rise to vaginal discharge.

Ayurvedic treatment of Leucorrhoea

Majority of women experiencing white vaginal discharge do not pay attention to it. They keep using anti-fungal creams and vaginal medicines. It subsides for the time being but then it is back. Ayurveda on the other hand has the best treatment for white discharge.

Oral medicines with Kashay ras (astringent) are used like Lodhra, Ashok chal, Pushyanug churna. Tandulodaka (rice water) is very helpful in curing leucorrhoea. Certain ayurvedic medicines mentioned in Ayurveda are to be taken with Tandulodak. You should get a consultation from a good ayurvedic doctor for this. Ashokarishta, Patrangasava, Lodhrasava are also used to treat leucorrhoea. Excessive vaginal discharge causes back pain and joint pain so medicines like Godanti Bhasma, Kukkutandatwak Bhasma, praval pishti should be used based on one’s Prakriti.

Is there a treatment of leucorrhea in Panchakarma?

The principal line of treatment in leucorrhoea is cleansing of vagina. This can be done with vaginal douche. Vaginal douche with decoction of herbs is used in Panchkarma. Herbs like lodhra, nagkesar, manjistha, rakta Chandan, pushyanug churna are used to prepare decoction. Oils like Chandan bala are used as vaginal douche which improves the muscle tone of the vagina. Yoni Dhoopan is also mentioned in Ayurvedic texts which clears off the infections.

Why you should not ignore white discharge?

I had a 35-year lady who complained of pain over all joints and back. All investigations were normal. Some doctors told this is due to vit D deficiency but even after taking many calcium, vit D supplements, the back pain did not resolve. Some orthopaedician said this is because of Rheumatoid arthritis and she will have to take medicines for life.

She approached me for the treatment. I asked her does she have leucorrhoea or white discharge problem. She affirmed to it. She said she has been having it from years. We did proper investigation, put her on few medicines to treat vaginal discharge and her joint pain also resolved. So yes, gynecological disorder and back pain are related too.

Back pain and leucorrhea – Is there a connection?

Before and during menstruation, the body undergoes many hormonal changes. These hormonal changes cause ligaments and muscle that support the lower back to loosen which makes the back vulnerable to pain. This is why many girls during periods complain of back pain and they do not experience pain over belly area. The menstrual cramps can radiate to the lower back, and it can disturb you all through the month may be the inclination of uterus is towards the back. So, if you are having some trouble in your periods and having back pain, probably both are related. You should speak about this to your doctor.

Similar is the case with white vaginal discharge. Many patients at our ayurvedic clinic approach for treatment of leucorrhea. Majority of them complain a dull pain all through the year over back, lower abdomen and calf muscles. According to Ayurveda, white discharge problem causes Dhatu Kshay means depletion of the bones and tissues. Hence, we need to take good care of it. It can also lead to multiple joint problems. So, if you are having white discharge get it treated at an ayurvedic clinic near you.

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