• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda
29 July, 2024

How to lose weight naturally?

Udwartan- Ayurvedic Powder massage for weight loss We are in the age, when people have realized that Prevention is better than cure. These days, more and more people are getting inclined towards Ayurveda and Panchkarma. There is nothing more important than being healthy. If you too are looking for Panchkarma treatment for yourself, do explore… Continue reading How to lose weight naturally?

24 July, 2024

Potli Massage- A natural pain killer

A 40-year-old woman came to our Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic in Faridabad with body pains. She has been suffering from it for 20 years. There was pain over calf muscles, both arms, legs, back, neck and headache. She consulted every doctor of the city and around. Initially she was told her vitamin levels are low… Continue reading Potli Massage- A natural pain killer

18 July, 2024

Fibromyalgia- Managing it with Ayurveda

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition affecting muscles and joints. The patient experiences tiredness and constant dull pain. At times, the pain becomes severe and hampers daily routine. You may have fibromyalgia if you have following symptoms: Chronic pain over body especially over legs, arms, back and buttocks. The pain is often burning or throbbing in… Continue reading Fibromyalgia- Managing it with Ayurveda

10 July, 2024

Ayurvedic treatment for gas and bloating

Have you ever wondered a simple Indian spice box wrongly used can give rise to acidity. These days in order to make the food tastier, without rational thinking, garam masala, mixed masala, garlic paste is added to every dish cooked. But there is wisdom hidden behind a simple spice box. Just to give a few… Continue reading Ayurvedic treatment for gas and bloating

9 July, 2024

Is there a permanent treatment for frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is becoming an increasing problem among young and old people. We see at our Ayurvedic Panchkarma centre, many patients presenting with shoulder joint pain and stiffness. Slowly, the pain starts radiating to the back. It hampers day to day activities. The patient keeps taking physiotherapy, pain killers but does not find much relief.… Continue reading Is there a permanent treatment for frozen shoulder?

6 July, 2024

Treatment of Knee joint pain in Ayurveda

Do you know that more than 10 million people suffer from knee joint pain in India. No big a surprise when a 35-year-old lady walks in our clinic with knee joint pain. The x-ray shows early cartilage degeneration. There are many such cases at our centre. Is it related to our diet and lifestyle? The… Continue reading Treatment of Knee joint pain in Ayurveda

16 May, 2024

How to treat less menstrual bleeding naturally?

Women keep their health secondary which is why they experience lifestyle diseases. Stress, anxiety add to this and cause menstrual irregularities. Menstrual abnormalities can be either heavy menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, delayed menses or scanty menses. But if you have painful menstruation, you are likely to approach a doctor because that disturbs your quality of… Continue reading How to treat less menstrual bleeding naturally?

15 May, 2024

Ayurvedic treatment for chronic Sinusitis

What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. Most commonly the sinuses involved are maxillary followed by ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. Many a times, at our Centre we come across reports where all sinuses are involved, this is called pansinusitis. Sinusitis in Ayurveda Ayurveda has mentioned Dushta Pratishyay which… Continue reading Ayurvedic treatment for chronic Sinusitis

7 May, 2024

How to treat Sciatica with Ayurvedic treatment?

Sciatica is a disorder that causes mild to agonizing pain in one or both legs. The pain can be sudden and excruciating which worsens on prolonged standing. Low back pain is the second most common ailment in India next to common cold. There can be many reasons for low back pain but one of the… Continue reading How to treat Sciatica with Ayurvedic treatment?

3 May, 2024

How to control high blood pressure naturally?

If you get to know that your blood pressure is high, you will be quick to assume that now the medicines for it will have to be taken for life. But it can be reversed with simple diet and lifestyle modifications. After 50 years of age, if blood pressure rises, it is difficult to reduce… Continue reading How to control high blood pressure naturally?

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