• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda
10 February, 2024

Treating constipation -The Ayurveda way

The most frequent question I encounter in my practice is, “I drink lot of water, I do not eat outside food, I include fiber rich diet in my meals, I walk daily, I exercise regularly, still why do I have constipation?I have been suffering from constipation from 25-30 years and don’t pass stool if I… Continue reading Treating constipation -The Ayurveda way

6 February, 2024

How to prevent Heart Attack with Ayurveda?

The past two years have witnessed a tsunami of heart attacks. A BSF Jawan dying on duty because of heart attack, a young boy dying while playing garba, a person getting heart attack while playing badminton, many people dying with heart attack while gymming, doctors dying due to heart attack while working on their duty,… Continue reading How to prevent Heart Attack with Ayurveda?

2 February, 2024

Best treatment for Psoriasis in Ayurveda

What is Psoriasis in Ayurveda In Ayurveda, psoriasis is considered a skin disorder associated with an imbalance in the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The specific imbalances and their manifestations can vary from person to person. Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis focuses on restoring balance to the doshas, detoxifying the body, and promoting overall well-being.… Continue reading Best treatment for Psoriasis in Ayurveda

11 January, 2024

How to handle Period Pain

Intensity of pain during Menstruation or periods vary from person to person. Dealing with period pain can be challenging but there are certain home remedies that can help bring the pain down. It is best to use natural ways to relieve menstrual cramps. Do Ayurvedic medicines help in Period Pain or menstrual cramps? Ayurveda has… Continue reading How to handle Period Pain

4 December, 2023

Ayurvedic and Herbal Facial- A new choice of modern woman

There is a rising popularity for herbal products not only in our country but outside India. Many brands have leveraged the benefits of adding herbal to your products. But you will be surprised to know that there is hardly anything herbal about their cosmetics. As far as our skin is concerned, it deserves chemical free,… Continue reading Ayurvedic and Herbal Facial- A new choice of modern woman

16 October, 2023

Is your Prakriti and Migraine related?

Ayurveda believes in 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. When they are balanced, we are happy, hale, hearty. The moment any of them gets imbalanced, we start experiencing physical or mental ailments. What people generally think is Vata is gas, Pitta is digestive fire, Kapha is the mucus coming out from nose and throat but It… Continue reading Is your Prakriti and Migraine related?

10 October, 2023

How to treat Acidity with Ayurveda medicines and treatment?

Do you have to think before eating the food offered to you by your friend, “What if this causes acidity”? Why do you follow a simple diet pattern still half the time struggle to find out what gives you acidity? Does lying down on bed at night give you acid refluxes though day had been… Continue reading How to treat Acidity with Ayurveda medicines and treatment?

28 September, 2023

How to get relief from backpain with Panchkarma treatment?

Do you know that back pain is the second most common ailment in our country after headache? At times do you feel that you are 25 but your back is 75? Have you tried multiple treatments for backpain, but nothing seems to work? Back pain can be very disturbing and annoying at some days. You… Continue reading How to get relief from backpain with Panchkarma treatment?

19 September, 2023

Can Ayurveda treat skin allergies?

Are you fed up of taking allergy pills which cause drowsiness all through the day for your itching Has your doctor prescribed you steroids for urticaria and still it doesn’t prevent the relapse Have you noticed that after eating certain foods, you get those itchy wheels on the skin Have you spent thousands of rupees… Continue reading Can Ayurveda treat skin allergies?

7 September, 2023

How to improve immunity in children?

Have you heard of Swarnaprashan? Do you have to hide from your child to drink cold drink in a party just because his eyes should not fall on the glass? Do you tell your child before he leaves for a birthday party of his friend next door, that “do not eat tomato ketchup there or… Continue reading How to improve immunity in children?

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