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  • Potli Massage- A natural pain killer

A 40-year-old woman came to our Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic in Faridabad with body pains. She has been suffering from it for 20 years. There was pain over calf muscles, both arms, legs, back, neck and headache. She consulted every doctor of the city and around. Initially she was told her vitamin levels are low so there is pain. She had a lot of multivitamins all through the year. The pain did not come down.

She underwent many investigations, radiological test but nothing concrete came out. Then she was referred to psychologist and psychiatrist. They suspected that all was in her head and suffers from major depression. She was put on medicines for it which made her sleep all day. Throughout the day she used to feel dizziness. This went for few years. Now her conditions had deteriorated. The muscle pains got only worse year after year.

She approached our Panchkarma centre for body pains. She was looking for ayurvedic treatment for muscle pain and came across. We simply decided to give her a Potli massage. The muscle tension got released within 7 sittings. Now she could do her work. Now she could sleep better. Slowly, all her medicines were stopped and she got cured of body pains permanently.

She was put on Potli massage, Swedan, Abhyand, Shirodhara and Sarvang dhara. Panchkarma can cure chronic diseases wonderfully.

What is Potli massage?

Potli massage or Patra Pinda sweda is an age-old Ayurveda Panchkarma therapy. In this, herbs are wrapped in a cotton cloth and heated in medicated oil. This Potli is then tapped over pain areas of the body. Fire and water element both are used in Potli massage. Potli massage is done in treatment of rheumatoid arthirits, treatment of joint pain, treatment of back pain, calf muscle pain and body pain.

Picking up right herbs and right oil for Potli massage is very important. If you want to get a Potli massage done, approach a good Panchkarma centre around you. Potli massage quickly reduces inflammation in the body. It also reduces muscle tension and stiffness. Many patients that reach our ayurvedic clinic in Faridabad, complain of stiffness than pain. It is not the pain that bothers them but the stiffness. It is unbearable for them to move from a position in the morning. While sitting for long in one position, their bodies get stiffed. In such cases, Potli massage works wornderfully for body stiffness.

Herbs used in Potli massage

Ayurveda classical texts have a wide range of herbs mentioned. At Jyoti Ayur clinic, Ayurveda and Panchkarma clinic, we use different herbs like Erand, Bala, Dashmool, Rasna, garlic, ark patra, sonth, nirgundi. The herb chosen depends on the Prakriti of patient and the disease. In a case of rheumatoid arthritis, there is already swelling in the joints. So, in such a case we cannot apply more of oils. We do dry potli massage with erand, nirgundi, sendha namak. This brings down the pain in 2-3 sittings of Potli massage.

If it is a case of calf muscle pain or fibromyalgia, we use a potli with Ashwangadha, Shatavari, Erand dipped in hot milk processed with Bala, Erand, Ashwagandha. These herbs not only improve the muscle tone of the body but subsides the pain.

If it is a case of injury over knee like if you are looking for natural treatment of ACL, best treatment for meniscus tear, ayurvedic treatment of ligament tear, then Potli massage is the best treatment. In addition to giving rest to the joint, get Ekang dhara and potli massage done at the best panchkarma centre. It will yield immediate results.

Who should get a Potli massage done?

Anyone can get potli massage done. At our ayurvedic clinic in Faridabad, we give Potli massage to children also. We see children who want to put on weight. Potli massage with herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari helps a lot in gaining weight. Moreover, there are children who get tired easily after playing sports or coming from school. They also should get Potli massage done to improve the muscle tone. Children who are into sports like badminton, cricket, football, basketball need calf muscles and arm muscles very strong. Potli massage helps in improving muscle tone.

Old age people who are in debilitating condition due to the degeneration should get Potli massage at a good ayurveda and panchkarma clinic. There are old age patients on multiple treatments.

Benefits of Potli massage

If you need a good relaxing Panchakarma massage, you should get Potli massage done. It is the best relaxing panchkarma massage. It can help in bone related pains. This can also cure sore muscles and pain from injuries. At our Panchkarma centre in Delhi NCR, we use Potli massage in all sorts of body and muscle pains. The heated potlis help to reduce pain and swelling. It helps in detoxification of the body. It also eases out the mental stress and muscle tension. The day the patient gets done Potli massage at our panchkarma clinic, he gets a sound sleep the following night. Potli massage also improves skin health and skin tone.

One of the major benefits of Potli massage is pain relief. If you are looking for permanent pain relief treatment without painkillers, then Potli massage is a good choice. It helps in blood circulation and removal of toxins.

Stress reduction

Potli massage not only helps to reduce physical stress, it helps in reducing mental stress. It releases endorphins which are body’s natural pain killers. The calming effect coming from massage releases happy hormones in the body. Instead of getting dependent, on pain killers you should get a Panchkarma therapy done. Panchkarma massage not only helps to ease physical pain but mental pain also.


Potli massage improves flexibility and mobility of joints. It loosens up the stiff muscles and joints. This massage improves mental and emotional health. Careful selection of herbs is all what it takes. So, get a relaxing Potli massage done a dedicated and best Panchakarma centre for body pains.

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