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  • Treatment of Ulcerative colitis with Ayurveda

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease IBD. It causes ulcers and inflammation in the intestine. It is a challenging disease affecting a patient. There is no permanent cure in modern medicine. This disease gets flared up again and again. The patient goes in remission if not treated properly.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Increased frequency of stool


Passing blood with stool

Dull abdominal pain

Pain over abdomen

General debility or weakness

Pain in the rectum

Loss of weight

It is not necessary that all the symptoms are seen in single patient of ulcerative colitis. If you have more than 3 symptoms of these, you probably are a colitis patient.

Causes of Ulcerative colitis

What causes ulcerative colitis is not known clearly. Stress and food habits definitely contribute to giving rise to ulcerative colitis. Hereditary factors also contribute to the higher prevalence of ulcerative colitis. According to Ayurveda, Ama formation is one principal cause of colitis. Due to poor digestive fire or Mand agni, digestion does not happen properly. The undigested food mixes with digested food and result in toxin formation which is called Ama dosha. This is the main cause of digestive disorders. Ama is responsible for causing swelling of the intestinal lining which gives rise to colitis.

Ayurveda says that constantly taking poor diet like frozen food, reheated food, greasy and oily food, lack of exercise, sleep during day diminishes the Pachak pitta resulting in digestive disorders. Ayurvedic medicines work after balancing the doshas and restoring Agni. This is why ayurveda has the best treatment for ulcerative colitis, IBS, diarrhoea, sprue, IBD.

How does Ayurvedic treatment work in Ulcerative colitis?

According to Ayurveda, Ulcerative colitis is a disease of Purish vah strotas. Ayurvedic medicines work after digestion which enhances the absorption of the colon. This reduces the frequency of stool in colitis. It also reduces swelling of the intestines. So, the cardinal symptoms of ulcerative colitis respond to the ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda texts have mentioned Raktatisara where the patient has bloody stools, pain over rectum and feel thirsty. This can be correlated with Ulcerative colitis. Anti-inflammatory drugs like Yashtimadhu are given to reduce inflammation. Wound healing drugs like Shatavari ghrit are used. Ghee has wound healing properties, and it stimulates Agni, the digestive fire. Charaka has described ghee as Vata Pitta shamak. Kutaj twak is used which regulates the bowel movements. It also improves the consistency of the stools.

Ayurvedic medicines for ulcerative colitis

Ayurveda has a wide range of medicines. There are many classical medicines, the medicines that are mentioned in Ayurveda text books for colitis. Colitis can be correlated as Pittatisara or Raktaatisara depending on the symptoms. Udumbar is an excellent drug for colitis. Avoid self-medicating yourself but as udumbar kwath should be taken or avleh or syrup is to be decided by an ayurvedic doctor. Get in touch with a good ayurvedic doctor for colitis.

Panchamrit parpati, Praval panchamrit ras, shankh Bhasma, praval pishti, Mochras are some of the commonly used ayurvedic medicines for ulcerative colitis at our clinic, which is the best ayurvedic clinic in Faridabad for digestive problems. Many chronic cases of ulcerative colitis have been treated successfully at our centre.

At Jyoti Ayur Clinic, we use both oral ayurvedic medicines and panchkarma treatment for ulcerative colitis. We use Nagarmotha which is a wonderful drug for Agni deepan to improve digestive fire. Stimulating digestive fire is very important in treating colitis. There are other herbs which can be simply added to diet like navsagar, white jeera, harad, amla. The choice of these drugs has to be made on the Prakriti

How does Panchkarma help in treatment of colitis?

Panchakarma plays a pivotal role in treatment of auto immune diseases and chronic diseases. Basti in Panchkarma is important for colon related disorders. Piccha Basti works wonderfully in healing the ulcers of the intestine.

Matra basti with Jatyadi oil is the best treatment for colitis. It heals the ulcers, and they do not relapse again. With Matra basti, the stomach pain also reduces. The mucosal redness and erosions slowly heal. Weight of the patient starts improving as digestion is improved. With treatment, he is able to eat all sorts of foods now.

Diet for ulcerative colitis

Diet plays an important role in treatment of ulcerative colitis. The foods that may trigger the swelling should be avoided. You should consult a good Ayurvedic practitioner near you to get a proper diet chart for ulcerative colitis. Ayurvedic diet balances all doshas in the body. Ulcerative colitis is a Pitta Pradhan disease hence Pitta balancing diet should be advised. Vegetable should be sweet and bitter that you take.

Avoid taking brinjal, capsicum, green chillies. You can take spices like coriander, fennel, cardamom, turmeric. Fruits like apple, pears, melons and mangoes can be taken. Avoid taking dairy products altogether. Foods that have low fat and low fibre should be consumed. If high fibre foods are taken, they make irritate the lining of colon and worsen colitis.


Ayurveda has potential treatment for ulcerative colitis. Instead of being dependent on steroids, surgery, patient of colitis or Crohn’s disease should consult a good Ayurvedic doctor first. Ayurveda has promising treatment for IBD. It is safe, cost effective without any side effects. Ulcerative colitis inspite being a challenging disease can be safely dealt with Ayurvedic treatment.

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