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The day you are living will not come back so make the best out of it. If you stay healthy, you will be able to live a happier life. Ayurveda not only focuses on long life but healthy life also.

You can create your own day! You should start your day with waking up in Brahmuhurat

Why should you wake up in Brahmuhurat?

An 80 year and 45-year father son duo walked in my clinic. The old man turned my perception wrong that he must be the patient. When I expressed my apology over considering him as a patient and not his son based on his age, he said to me: In 80 years the Sun never rose after me, and I never had to take a pill. This is what waking up in Brahmuhurat can do

What is Brahmuhurat?

Dincharya starts with waking up in the morning. The first question arises: When should you wake up?

Ayurveda texts have laid stress on waking up in Brahmuhurat. Brahmuhurat is a 48-minute period that starts 2 muhurats i.e 96 minutes before sunrise. So, if sunrise time is at 5:45 am, Brahmuhurat will be from 4:09 AM to 4:57. Depending on the timings of sunrise, Brahmuhurat timings can vary from 4 AM to 5:30 AM

This is a period of Vata in the body and so this period is of lightness in the nature.

Vata, Pitta and Kapha rule the entire day and night. During few hours of the day and night they are at their peak. So,

Dawn and Dusk are Vata period, afternoon and midnight are Pitta period, late evening and early morning is Kapha period

Time of Vata Pitta Kapha during the day

Early morning the Kapha is high, i.e the density in the body is high. One reason why people tend to get more heart attacks during this period. You must have heard that a person passed away in his sleep. These are the hours when risk of heart attacks increases because the viscosity of blood increases.

Modern science echoes the same thing that during this period cortisol hormone increases which is responsible for increasing viscosity of the blood which is why heart patients need to be taken care of primarily and a person should co sleep with them. The activity of sleeping increases Kapha in the body that too if it done in Kapha Kala, Kapha is bound to aggravate. This is one reason why waking up before early morning i.e during Brahmuhurat is indicated in Ayurveda

Next simple thing if I tell you; your urge to indulge in sexual activity is higher in early morning because it is Kapha dominated period. The sexual hormone secretion is at it peak during these hours. So, our body is highly influenced by Vata Pita Kapha at any minute of the day or night.

Benefits of waking up in Brahmaputra

When you were in college, there must be your friends or roommates who would prefer studying late night till 2 or 3’o clock in the night and then there be must some who would prefer to wake up at 4, 4:30 AM and study during exams. You must have experienced that the topics you read during this period got photographically stored in your memory. While writing the exam, the pages would flash as it is before your eyes on recalling the topic that you studied during this time.

Vayu/Vata is very swift so you can grasp easily in this period. This is why Brahmuhurat is called period of knowledge. Brahm means knowledge and muhurat means time. I have many patients who are students preparing for civil services, UPSC, so I advise them the topics you find it lengthy and difficult to memorize pick them in these hours. You too can try it and, I am sure; you won’t repent sacrificing your sleep for this. 

Vata is dominant during Brahmuhurat, it also becomes easier to waken up yourself. You will feel more energized here. Getting up in this period will induce lightness of the body. Women who get up early at 4:30, they say they complete the entire chores in one hour but the day they wake up after 7:00, they feel even 3 hours are short to complete the work because you are energized during early hours.

Young Children, pregnant women, elderly people, ill people can avoid waking up in Brahmuhurat but.

Vata(air) keeps moving so it can keep your thoughts moving. Hence this is a period of imagination and creativity. If you ask writers, poets, artists; they prefer to write during these hours. To them new innovative ideas strike in this period. Even you must have experienced this if you aren’t sleeping, just lying in the bed during these hours and thinking, your brain will churn out some idea which you have been struggling to think upon for past few days.

How to make a habit of waking up early?

You may find it difficult to wake up in Brahmuhurat. Maybe you have thought of it many times, but you aren’t able to so far. Maybe you set your alarm many times but either you shushed your alarm, or you kept snoozing it again and again. Yes, it will take some strength to get off the deep sleep for few initial days, but the beautiful thing of our body is you can construct your daily routine. You must have seen that during your exams you studied till late in the night and the day your exams got over you thought that tonight I will sleep for the whole night, but you kept twisting and turning in your bed because now the body’s biological clock had set as per your previous few days sleep.

Many mothers of school going children complain, why can’t children sleep till late on Saturdays and Sundays. They can’t because their bodies sleep cycle has adjusted itself. So, if you win waking up in Brahmuhurat for few days, you will not need an alarm thereafter following these days.

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